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时间:2024-04-27 13:54:26
1、星可摘,而你也可得。 Stars are pluckable, and you can. 2、从今天起,我正式脱单了! From today on, I have officially taken off the order! 3、我在你所赠予的风雨里,终于长成了一个大人。 I finally grew up as an adult in the wind and rain you gave me. 4、小时候的梦想是当个科学家,现在只想和你成家。 When I was a kid, I wanted to be a scientist, and now I just want to be a family with you. 5、我喜欢你这件事,太直接了,没办法拐弯。 I like you. It's too direct to turn around. 6、见过星河的璀璨,没见过你眼里的期盼,仍是遗憾。 I have seen the bright star river, but I haven't seen the expectation in your eyes, but I am still sorry. 7、许一人以偏爱,愿尽余生之慷慨。 A man is willing to be generous for the rest of his life with a preference. 8、海底月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon is the moon of heaven, and the man in front of us is the sweetheart. 9、冬有板栗,夏有芒果,而你四季都有我。 In winter, chestnut, summer mango, and you have me all the year round. 10、海上月是天上月,眼前人是心上人。 The moon on the sea is the moon in the sky, and the man in front of you is the one you love. 11、我订婚了。回想这几年过的挺快我有了家。 I'm engaged. I have a home very quickly when I think about these years. 12、我决定,好好生活,慢慢爱你。 I decided to live a good life and love you slowly. 13、守得云开见月明。 There is light at the end of the tunnel. 14、从此,枯燥的日子,变得甜蜜可期。 From then on, the boring days have become sweet. 15、他来了,我再也不是一个人了。 He's here, I'm not alone anymore. 16、三里清风,三里路,步步风里,步步你。 Three li breeze, three miles, step by step wind, step by step you. 17、图他年纪大,图他不洗澡。 He is old. He doesn't take a bath. 18、和已知的人,去过未知的人生! And known people, have been to unknown life! 19、一定是特别的缘分,才一路走来变成了一家人。 It must be a special fate that we have come all the way to become a family. 20、右边这个人真有眼光,左边这个人才有眼光。 The man on the right has a real eye, and the man on the left has a vision. 21、众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在结婚登记处。 The crowd searched for her thousands of Baidu, suddenly looked back, that person was in the marriage registration office. 22、我还是很喜欢你,像云漂泊九万里,不曾歇息。 I still like you very much, like the cloud wandering 90000 miles, never resting. 23、生活归生活,理想归理想,现实归现实,你归我。 Life is life, ideal is ideal, reality is reality, you belong to me. 24、人生漫漫路,愿与你永远一起。 Life is long, and I wish to be with you forever. 25、很好的感觉是,当我朝你看去时,你也在凝视着我。 The best feeling is that when I look at you, you are staring at me. 26、有事做,有人爱,有所期待。 Do something, someone loves, and looks forward to it. 27、不错过春天,也不错过你。 Don't miss spring, nor miss you. 28、少女的征途是星辰大海,而你是我的星辰大海。 The journey of a girl is the sea of stars, and you are my star sea. 29、余生,遇见你,感觉很美! I feel beautiful to meet you for the rest of my life! 30、我贪念的人间烟火不偏不倚刚好是你。 I coveted the world fireworks just happened to be you. 31、你是人间星河,是我的满目柔情。 You are the Star River in the world, and you are my tender feeling. 32、开启恋爱副本。 Open the love copy. 33、君心似我心,不负相思意。 You heart like my heart, not negative love. 34、永远屈服于温柔,而你是温柔本身! Always yield to tenderness, and you are gentle itself! 35、我已经准备好,成为很爱你的人以及你很爱的人了。 I'm ready to be the one who loves you the most and who you love most. 36、月亮不会奔向你,但我会,不远万里的那种。 The moon will not run to you, but I will, the kind of a distant. 37、梦想的生活有一百种,种种都有你。 There are 100 kinds of dream life, all have you. 38、喜欢你就是见不得你与别人交谈甚欢。 I like you, I can't see you talking to others. 39、特别想要的东西不多,能睡到自然醒的早晨和你。 I don't want much, I can sleep until the morning when I wake up naturally with you. 40、我已经准备好成为很爱你的人以及你很爱的人了。 I'm ready to be the one who loves you the most and who you love most. 41、我太固执,一辈子只想喜欢你。 I'm too stubborn. I just want to like you all my life. 42、哪有什么四季,遇见你,四季如春。 Where are the seasons, meet you, seasons like spring. 43、这年头一点都不缺爱情,缺的是把爱情当回事的人。 In this year, there is no lack of love, but the lack of people who take love seriously. 44、遇见你,是一种春天的味道。 Meeting you is a taste of spring. 45、我不能给你无尽的财富,但我可以给你无尽的花朵。 I can't give you endless wealth, but I can give you endless flowers. 46、遇见你,是我人生的起始。 Meeting you is the beginning of my life. 47、冬有板栗,夏有芒果,而你四季有我。 In winter, chestnut, summer mango, and you have me all the year round. 48、今后打打闹闹,还请多多指教。 Please give more advice on fighting and making noise in the future. 49、我愿执笔弃花间,从此以后,离经易道,只为你。 I would like to write the flower room, and then, I will leave the Scripture and change the way, only for you. 50、对自己好一点,能怪这货的,就别怪自己。 Be nice to yourself. If you can blame this product, don't blame yourself. 51、有福同享,有肉你长。 Have the blessing and share, have the flesh you grow. 52、总有些惊奇的际遇,比方说当我遇见你。 There are always surprises, for example, when I meet you. 53、昔有朝歌夜弦之高楼,上有倾城倾国之舞袖。 There was a high rise with the song and night strings, and the dancing sleeves of the city and the country. 54、想把你藏进梦里,天亮也带不走你。 Want to hide you in a dream, and the dawn will not take you. 55、世间情动,不过盛夏白瓷梅子汤,碎冰碰撞叮当响。 The world is moving, but in summer, white porcelain plum soup, crushed ice collision jingling. 56、三茶六礼,明媒正娶,我带你回家。 Three tea and six gifts, married in the open, I will take you home. 57、申请成为您爱里的*居民。 Apply for permanent residence in your love. 58、遇见你之后,我才知道美好的样子。 I didn't know what a good look was until I met you. 59、你若一直在,我便一直爱。 If you're always there, I love it all the time. 60、我没有很好,你不嫌弃就好。 I'm not very good, you don't dislike it. 61、以前是谁的不重要,从今以后,你只能是我的。 Who was before is not important, from now on, you can only be mine. 62、砰砰在左边,你在砰砰里。 Bang on the left, you're banging. 63、我来人间一趟,和心上人一起走在街上、看着太阳。 I came to the world, walked along the street with my sweetheart and looked at the sun. 64、承蒙时间不弃,你一直在。 Bear time, you have been. 65、再见大森林,我背歪脖树挂住了。 Goodbye to the forest. I hang on my back. 66、山水一程,三生有幸。 The mountains and rivers are a journey, and they are fortunate to live three lives. 67、今天我领证了,好巧,我也是。 Today I have confirmed it. It's so clever. I am. 68、陌上花开,可缓缓归矣。 Flowers on the road, but slowly return. 69、我的择偶标准是长得像你,性格像你,很好是你。 My criteria for choosing a mate are like you, character like you, and best of all you. 70、我的三观不正,很歪,全都偏向你。 My three views are not correct, very crooked, all of them are biased towards you. 71、心贴心,恩恩爱爱相守一生。 Heart is close, and grace loves each other for a lifetime. 72、一时半会解释不清了,大家知道就行了。 I can't explain it in a while. You know it. 73、我知道遇见你不容易,错过了会很可惜。 I know it's not easy to meet you. It's a pity to miss it. 74、和你在一起,有糖的味道。 With you, it tastes sugar. 75、见山是山,见水是水,见你即是全世界。 See mountains are mountains, see water is water, see you are the world. 76、别说太多大道理,爱就努力在一起。 Don't say too much truth, love will try to be together. 77、说不出醉人的情话,我只想带你回家。 I can't say the intoxicating words. I just want to take you home. 78、此生何幸,能够遇见你呀。 How lucky to meet you in this life. 79、很近又拿到一个证,就是这么强。 Recently, I got another certificate, which is so strong. 80、你是生活,扑面而来的善意。 You are life, the kindness coming from the face. 81、似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。 It seems that this star is not last night, for whom the wind stands up for the middle night.





